Royal International School has truly given children all that is needed to transform them into confident individuals. The school life has not only given them a platform for individual activities but also provided impetus to be a good team member through various sports and club activities. School’s campus has been designed to give students an open and healthy learning environment. Every child has ample space and a range of learning aids. The varied interests and capabilities of children are acknowledged by providing for different indoor and outdoor activities.

Admission Open

Admission open for New Session 2024-25

Director’s Message :

“Great visionaries are those who motivate young minds to delve deeper and find their leader within.”

We are living in a fast changing world, a changing society, progressing at a galloping speed, impact of science, scientific research, technological development, globalization on our daily life is vibrant and unavoidable, So the need to be geared up for tomorrow is for greater than ever before. Opportunities before us are immense and the task is onerous. With this mind, we continue to march steadily towards our aim to provide responsible citizens who will participate in nation building. Its fact that the progress of nation depends upon the quality of its teachers, so along with providing responsible citizens, teacher effectiveness and efficiency is the goal of the institution. The total system of education can be overhauled and streamlined only when the teachers are well trained professionally and personally.

Along with preparing of the broad base of the teachers the training in teaching methodology, skills and educational administration through intensive practice of teaching, microteaching and internship are rigorously given, in which practicing schools are also engaged. The College has as it backbone excellent infla-structure, teaching laboratories and general facilities are amongst the best.

“For everyone of us that succeeds, its because there’s somebody there to show you the way out” we’re one of them.

Thanking You



+91 9889326932

E mail id : ris

Address : Bija Nagar, Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh 210427

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